Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas in Full Swing

Did you all think that I was never going to update this thing? You all know how I am. Christmas was wonderful and we have so much to be thankful for. Jackson was a blast this year. He recieved way too much and I think we need to buy a storage unit to put all of his new things in. So here is "some" of Christmas. I still have more to put on, but this should hold you over until I get the others posted.
We went to Penny and Ralph's (my in-laws) on Christmas Day. Lots of good food and presents.
Jackson and Grandad
Cousins: Derik, Shane and Jackson

Penny's tree
This was Jackson's little spot. A new table and chairs, which he loves, with all his presents. He thought it was pretty neat that he had his own place.
Christmas Morning!

The grandparents came over Christmas morning and watched Jackson open his gifts from Santa. When he walked into the living room, he said "Wow"! It was so cute.
Santa brought him a Wowwee animal. It makes real life noises and he thinks it bites him. He makes me kiss his finger when he holds it.
Grandad helping Jackson open one of his gifts.
He picked this thing up like it was nothing...it was heavy! Strong little thing.
He is really into Pooh right now, so Santa brought him Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore and Roo. He handed each one of us them after he opened them.

This was Christmas Eve. Daisy was already asleep in hopes that St. Nick the Dog would soon be here.
I snuck in to Jackson's room Christmas Eve and took a picture of him sleeping. I did this last year also. He had socks on when we put him down, but he always manages to pull them off and throw them across the room.
. Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk
Heidi, my kitter.

Jackson's stocking. It plays music and the his ears go up and down.

This is Jackson's first Christmas and the one below is from this year. Makes me sad. Look how much he has changed!!

Santa was good to Jackson. He stopped by while he was sound asleep.

Do I really need to say anything? He loves his Daisy.

Cool dude
This is the Christmas tree that was at my baby shower. It was decorated with all kinds of things for the baby. So I thought it would be cute to have in his room every year. He loves it and every morning he says "pretty tree" for me to turn it on.

Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping...
On December 20th, we had our annual Christmas party. It is usually at Mike Gress's, but this year we had it at our place. We had a gift exchange, lots of food and played some cards. Nice to spend time with good friends.
Jimmy and Cowen
It was also muzzle loader season, so some of the guys from Cleveland were down to deer camp. This is Mike, we were really glad they came.
Steve and Tasha

Erica, Jesse and Dave
Mike, Mike, Ginger and Craig
Miss Emily


Went to West Virginia for the weekend of the 13th, to stay with Jenny and Lee. We had such a good time. Went to dinner on campus at West Liberty. Then Jenny and I headed to the Casino. We had a fun time, but our age must be getting to us, because the entire time we played the slots, we worried about the 40 dollars that we were " throwing away". Gosh, we are really getting old.
Thank you for having me and I can't wait to do it again.
Cole and Gabe!! Can you believe how big they are getting?
Jenny and Lee cooked an awesome breakfast.
I love this picture of Gabe helping Jenny cook.
These are a little out of order. Jackson loves to sit on his table. I thought this was so cute. Of course, watching Pooh.
We thought we would get a Blue Spruce this year, which are really prickily to see if that would make Jackson not touch the tree as much. Didn't work. He was pretty good, but the temptation was too much and he touched it only about 10 times a day. Could of been worse.
Here's Aiden. Stephen and Sarah moved from Reynoldsburg/Pickerington area to Westerville to be closer to Sarah's school and Aiden's new daycare. This is his own bathroom right in his bedroom. He is sooo proud of his monkey bathroom. He couldn't wait to show me.
Ok, back to West Virginia. Jenny and me at the casino.

Just plain goofy, just like old times.

Back to Columbus. Aiden's new daycare is adorable and he really loves it. This is his Line Leader chart.

How cute is their computer room?

Good habits start early...washing his hands after he used the little toilet.

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